About us

The Devout Men Ministry is a Holy Spirit led Christian teaching ministry that is committed to bringing forth the spiritual truth behind the letters in the Holy Book of God for the admonition and edification of members of the Body of Christ around the world.
We conduct biblical Revelational talks, hold forums for discussing, examining, studying the Bible and sharing the Testimony of Jesus, entertaining thought provoking questions and inquiries that arise, which your conventional local assemblies do not entertain or parry at best. It is a ministry for serious minded disciples of Jesus Christ who are kept focused on the agenda of the Lord concerning the last times in anticipation of his Second Coming. We are focused on the salvation of the one lost sheep and not on the ninety nine self-righteous sheep found in the local Church as an organization of today.
The Devout Men Ministry is a spiritual based entity that as an heavenly vision has been in existence for the past twenty five years but is now being made manifest physically to the world. The Vision Coordinator is the SENT ONE, a devout brother in the Lord, Bro. Chidi Agbassi, an ordained minister of the true gospel for many years. Together with several other brothers in the Lord as Armour bearers in the stable. Such are men that have dedicated themselves also to the pursuant of the propagation of the true gospel of Jesus Christ in our times.
Currently based in Nigeria, we are also involved in publishing Revelational pamphlets and literature for those that are seeking, hungry and thirsty for the truth among Believers. Our teachings tear veils and burst error bubbles that both orthodox and Pentecostal assemblies have used to hold many bound in the yoke of false religiosity and legalism in Christendom.
To bear witness to the TRUTH about the only true God, as faithful disciples of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ whom He sent, through the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of witness. Jn. 17:2-3
To lay solid Christian foundations based on sound understanding of the doctrine of Christ, the Truth and to make known the mystery of the testimony of Jesus for these last days and thereafter. To prepare an end-time people ready to meet our Lord and Master Jesus Christ at his appearing. 2 Tim. 4:1-8